Below you'll find recordings of the Gundam UC Ep6 + Sunrise Panel, and also the panel for Kazuhiro Furuhashi, the director of Gundam Unicorn. The pre-made questions for Furuhashi are almost identical between the two recordings so you're likely going to fast forward, but I believe that there is interspersed some additional questions for Michael Sinterniklaas, the English director. So there is some merit to sitting down for it. Some neat things you'll hear if you listen to both. The Gundam UC panel had this session where fans came up to attempt to dub Angelo, one of them is REALLY good. At the Sunrise panel when ZZ Gundam is announced, you can hear about 5 people being really excited and the rest being very confused because they have not heard of ZZ Gundam before.
Kazuhiro Furuhashi Interview
Gundam UC Ep 6 panel and Sunrise Panel.