Articulation and stability presented in the legs on the prototype is about perfect. The sculpt and proportions make this one of the best Wing Zero renditions out there. It will be the best Wing Zero EW you can get outside of getting one of the model kits. I didn't have a chance to take pictures of certain things, but I can describe them. The Chest had what seems like 3 joints in the center to allow the torso to bend in an extreme manner. The sole purpose of the bend of course is so the Wing Zero can pull off its signature twin buster rifle pose. I actually cheated a bit with the wing zero pose since the position of the rifle triggers are too close for the hands to properly grip them at the same time. I think, and this is speculation that the wing zero might have a single molded double hand similar to virgo shakka's praying hands on the Saint Myth CLoth line. I took a look at the MG Wing Zero Custom in the other case to compare and noticed that it too cheats for holding the rifle for the pose. It relies on one hand trigger while the other hand simply rests against the underside of the rifle, where the rear portion is wedged into the upper lip of the torso camera eye.
Accessory wise the prototype comes with closed fists, open fists, and 2 trigger fists which can also hold the 2 beam sabers. The hilts of the beam sabers slot into the arm that holds one of the wings, but I was unable to do this because I only found one of the saber handles in the bag. Must have been lost on the way to New York.

Slightly unrelated, but I know people would like to see a size comparison of the new Megaman X from the D-Arts line. Well here it is in comparison to a coke bottle.