All righty, tomorrow is the start of a new semester. I pray I will not screw it up.
This is my tentative schedule
Calc should be fairly easy. Stats and Bio I need to do extremely well because I need to get 5's on the AP tests. Japanese and English are easy A's. Gov is history, my forte. Awesome.
Next, I finally got a hold of some QuikPlastik from Home Depot to extend the leg joints on the Deathscythe. Hopefully I'll get off my ass to take some pictures in the future. I have this very elaborate plan for the Deathscythe, which I shall reveal, soon. How soon? Uh...I'll get back to you on that.
Yesterday, on Chinese New Year's eve, my mom and I got into an accident. In the middle of a left turn mom asked me to look at the price of the gas on the side. I didn't know that she was looking too. -_-; So, we're turning and then I see headlights coming our way. O_o. Oh shi-! A loud scraping sound reverberates through the ears of the onlookers on the sidewalk as it grazes the left corner of our car and passes through the intersection. My mom becomes emotionally unstable muttering things about why she had to get hit on New Year's Eve, that it's a bad omen, that she's getting old, etc. etc. Meanwhile, I turn around trying to make out the license plate of the SUV that hit us. Thankfully the guy had stopped and I make out a 7RH before the guy speeds off. Whut? We're at fault here, why the hell did you speed off for? Mmmkay. This is one of those times I wish I had a cell phone with me.